
code of current invisible operations معنى

  • مدونة للعمليات غير المنظورة الجارية
  • code    n. رمز, مجموعة قوا ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • current    adj. حالي, جاري, ذ ...
  • invisible    adj. محجوب, خفي, غ ...
  • operations    العمليات

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. code of conduct on politico-military aspects of security معنى
  2. code of conduct on the safety and security of radioactive sources معنى
  3. code of conduct on the transfer of technology and on the multilaterally agreed equitable principles and rules for the control of restrictive business practices معنى
  4. code of crimes against the peace and security of mankind معنى
  5. code of criminal procedure معنى
  6. code of environmental stewardship معنى
  7. code of ethics معنى
  8. code of ethics in media معنى
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